Race Day schedule – 6-12-21
8:30 – registration/check in table opens
9:00 – event begins, spectators and attendees welcomed
9:30 – Skipper’s meeting & 1st Race 4 mi paddle board & kayak
10:30 to 11:00 Mik Evad live on stage
10:30 – Skipper’s meeting & 2nd Race 1 mi paddle board & kayak
11:15- Skipper’s meeting & 3rd Race 4 mi kayak only
11:45 to 12:30 – John & Pat live on stage
1:00 – race awards presented
1:15 – 1:45 PC Squared live on stage
2:00 - silent auction ends
2:15 – silent auction prize winners announced
3:00- event closed
Become a Sponsor!
Choose your Sponsorship Level
Send in Your Form/Payment
Forms/Payment - 347 West 3rd Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057
Logos - strawbridgelakebc@gmail.com
Platinum Event Sponsor
Signage and Recognition on Race Day
Larger Logo on T-Shirts and Website
2 - Race Passes
2 - Race T-shirts
Gold Corporate Sponsor
Signage and Recognition on Race Day
Larger Logo on T-Shirts and Website
1 - Race Passe
1 - Race T-shirt
Silver Race Sponsor
Logo on T-Shirts
**All sponsors can purchase a vendor space for only $25 (50 % Savings!)
Designated 10' x 10' Area
Vendor MUST Provide:
Table and Chairs